Курс по авиатранспортному праву и авиационным контрактам в Школе права LUISS

Курс по авиатранспортному праву и авиационным контрактам в Школе права LUISS
Мы с радостью информируем Вас о том, что в этом году Studio Pierallini and LUISS University (School of Law) организовывают курс повышения квалификации сфокусированный на авиатранспортном праве и авиационных контрактах.
Цели курса
The course is intended for training specialists in civil aviation, integrating the basic concepts with a deeper analysis of the relevant legislation and considering the major aviation contracts. The course gives a whole vision of the civil aviation sector harmonizing the scientific-academic approach with the professional and institutional one.
The course will be in Italian with lecturers in English.
Certificate of attendance will be awarded.
Пригодность курса
The course is suitable prevalently to:
- Professionals;
- Lawyers;
- Functionaries;
- Public Administration Executives (among others ENAC, ENAV, Authority and Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports, etc.);
- Operators of air transport sector (airlines, airports, handlers)
Курс проводят
Инновационный характер курса гарантируется международным преподавательским составом, координируемым доктором Лаурой Пиераллини (экспертом-юристом в области авиатранспортного права и профессором университета LUISS Guido Carli), состоящим из:
- Пабло Мендес де Леон, Лейденский Университет, директор Международного института воздушного и космического права
- Алессио Куаранта, генеральный директор Администрации Гражданской Авиации Италии (ENAC)
- Николай Элерс, партнер Ehlers, Ehlers and Partner, Мюнхен
- Марк Биссет, партнер Clyde and Co, Лондон
- Роб Лосан, партнер Clyde and Co, Лондон
- Анн-Фредерик Позиер, Евроконтроль, Брюссель
- Нора Росси, DG Mobility and Transport European Commission, Брюссель
- Элда Турко Булгерини, профессор аэронавигации в Tor Vergata University, Рим
- Мия Уотерс, профессор воздушного права Ghent University
- Джианлуиджи Асцензи, партнер Studio Pierallini
Описание курса
The course is divided into 3 modules lasting 10 hours each, to be held on the following dates and time: 
- First module, 11-12 May 2018: Legal framework and major contracts in the aviation sector
The first module is aimed to provide an overview of the aviation sector with specific focus on the most commonly used contracts, such as: purchase agreements, leasing contracts, ACMI contracts, charter contracts and aircraft maintenance contracts.
- Second module, 25-26 May 2018: Airline Alliances Agreements. Airport Management Contracts and Contracts of Services
This module will highlight the key features of airline alliances contracts and airport management contracts (i.e. ground-handling contracts, service contracts) focus on Directive N 96/67/CE and Legislative Decree N 18/1999.
- Third module, 15-16 June 2018: Air Transport contracts
The third and last module will focus on passenger and cargo air transport contracts. The analysis will take place on the basis of national and international written rules concerning carriers’ liability, as well as general conditions of carriage and passenger rights, with particular respect to the recent European Directive 2016/681, on the use of passenger name record (PNR) data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime.
Friday from 2pm to 8pm; Saturday from 9am to 1pm.
Herewith is a link to the ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM
For any further information and/or clarification please feel free to contact Studio Pierallini or LUISS University (School of Law)

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