Bolotinas Viktoras

Expert in the field of human factors in maintenance, training of specialists on modules of EASA Part-66, Ph.D.
Vilnius (Lithuania)
Bolotinas Viktoras


In 1971 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Vilnius State University with a degree in "Physics".

In 1980, at the Moscow State University (MSU) defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences.

In 1993, the Science Council of Lithuania confirmed the existing qualifications of the Doctor of Natural Sciences.

In 2010 he received a License TI (B1, B2) on the human factor (the Lithuanian Civil Aviation Administration).

In 2013 he received a License TI (B1, B2) of the Aviation Legislation License (Lithuanian Civil Aviation Administration). The instructor and examiner Part 66 of the Aviation Legislation (Maintenance).

Teaching activity: 

From 1971 to 1991 he was a Senior scientific researcher at the Institute of Physics (Vilnius). Researches for quantum chemistry, and more than 100 articles and 1 patent, research for the chemical industry. Thesis supervisor of graduate and post-graduate students of Vilnius University.

From 2007 to 2008 he was an Instructor of basic training in CJSC "Amicon" (Vilnius). Training manuals A1 and B2 categories (modules M1 to M5), conducting classes and exams for airBaltic airline staff (Latvia).

From 2007 to 2010 he was an Instructor of basic training in FL Technics AB (Vilnius). Training manuals modules M1 to M5, M9 category B1.1, training and conduct examinations for category B1.1 FL Technics employees.

From 2010 to 2012 he was a Manager of basic training. FL Technics AB (Vilnius). Organization and control of the examination process for part-time students on the Part-66, carrying out pre-examination training and examinations in modules for employees of companies "Volga-Dnepr" and "Volga-Dnepr Gulf", other foreign airlines. Updating textbooks on modules 1-7, 9 category B1.1 (manuals, programs, theoretical and practical training, database issues).

From 2012 to present time he is an Independent Part-147 basic training instructor and consultant. Prepares training manuals on M9 "Human factors" (Maintenance) and the M10 "aviation legislation" (maintenance) in accordance with the requirements of Part-66, works as an instructor to conduct specialized courses for personnel in aircraft maintenance in Lithuania and abroad on short-term contracts with educational Part-147 organizations.

From 2013 to present time he is a Visiting Associate Professor of Aeronautical Engineering Transport and Communication Institute (Latvia). The teaching of general science courses to students of ITC, as well as groups of foreign students (in English).

From 2013 to present time he is a practical training manager Part-147 Maintenance Training Organization at Transport and Communication Institute (Latvia). Teaching groups of foreign students Part-66 modules and specialized courses in human factors, aviation law (Maintenance) in English, practice guidance on modules for aircraft maintenance at the enterprises of the partner.

Other Activities: 

In 2006 has received a gift of Vilnius Municipality "Creating a knowledge-based society".

In 2012 he consulted the Civil Aviation Academy in Almaty, Kazakhstan on certification of an educational institution by EASA Part-147 requirements.

In 2013 he engaged with the adaptation of teaching aids of the Federal Aviation Administration (USA) according to the rules of EASA.

In 2014 he was an Expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania "Formation of qualifications and the creation of a modular training system" in the "Professional Standard sector of transport and storage services."
