Литература по воздушному и космическому праву - "Z"

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Zheng Pai (co-authored with Guobin Zhang), A New Step Forward: Review of China’s 2016 Legislation on International Seabed Area Exploration and Exploitation, 73 Marine Policy 244–255 (2016).
Zheng Pai, A Discussion on the Concept of Space Asset under the Cape Town Convention, 28(2) Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Sciences Edition) 49-54 (2015) (in Chinese).
Zheng Pai, A Reflection on the Regional Marine Environment Management Legislation in Yangtze River Delta Region, 8 Law and Society 149-150 (2011) (in Chinese).
Zheng Pai, A Study of the Carrier Liability in International Air Passenger Transportation, Ph.D. thesis with merit (2015) (in Chinese).
Zheng Pai, A Study of the Modernization of the Rome Convention 1952, LL.M. thesis with merit (2011) (in Chinese).
Zheng Pai, Author of the book Carrier Liability in International Air Passenger Transportation, Law Press China, 2016 (in Chinese).
Zheng Pai, Contributor of “Chapter 21 – China”, in the book The Law of Unmanned Aircraft Systems: An Introduction to the Current and Future Regulation under National, Regional and International Law, edited by Benjamyn I. Scott, Kluwer Law International B.V., 209-218, 2016.
Zheng Pai, Justifications and Limits of ADIZs under Public International Law, 14(2) Issues in Aviation Law and Policy, 183–216 (2015).
Zheng Pai, Review of the Recent U.S. Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Rules, 30(5) Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Sciences Edition) 19-27 (2017) (in Chinese).
Zheng Pai, The Amendment of the Tokyo Convention 1963 by the Montreal Protocol 2014, 17(2) Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition) 105–114 (2015) (in Chinese).
Zheng Pai, The Chicago Convention 1944 and the Legal Basis of Air Defence Identification Zones under Public International Law, 18(3) Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition) 113–120 (2016) (in Chinese).
Zheng Pai, The Exclusivity of the Treaty Rules under the Warsaw–Montréal System, 2 China Aviation Law Review, 233–247 (2017) (in Chinese).
Zheng Pai, Update: A Legal Analysis of "Space Asset" under the 2012 Space Protocol to the International Interests in Mobile Equipment, Apr. Issue, GlobaLex (2018).
Zylicz M. Key Problems of the Future International Air Transport Regime// Air and Space Law. 1994. №3
Zylicz M. Towards a New World Air Transport System// Polish Yearbook of International Law. 1991-1992. Vol. XIX. Warszawa: Agencja Scholar. 1993.
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