Литература по воздушному и космическому праву - "V"

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van Dam R.D., Regulating International Civil Aviation – An ICAO Perspective, в: T.L. Masson and P.M.J. Mendes de Leon (eds), Air and Space Law: De Lege Ferenda, Essays in Honour of Henri A. Wassenbergh 11-26 (1992).
van Fenema H.P. Ownership Restrictions, Consequences and Steps to be taken// European Air Transport Conference "Airline Globalization". Brussels. 7 October 1997
van Wijk A.A.; Visual and Oral Signals Between Aircraft in Flight as a Means to Convey Instructions by a State, Air Worthy 235-289.


Varsamos Stamatis. Airport competition in the EU: Main Characteristics, Evolution of the Case Law on Airport Charges and the need for Regulatory Oversight. Paper presented in the VIII WALA’s Conference in Athens. Greece in September of 2015.
Varsamos Stamatis. Airport Competition Regulation in Europe. Wolters Kluwer International, 2016.
Varsamos Stamatis. Ground handling Services: Legal framework –Application of the EEC competition rules in Greece, published in Journal “European Expression, ‘volume 22, May-June- July, 1996.
Varsamos Stamatis. Hostile takeovers and defensive method Presentation of legal framework in Greece and of the methods adopted,” published In three parts in newspaper “Exousia, in August of 1999.
Varsamos Stamatis. Passenger rights and Airports Presentation of passenger rights and airports liability, on seminar held by the Hellenic Aviation Society on November of 2006 in Athens.
Varsamos Stamatis. Recognition of University Degrees in Greece. One Directive adopted nine years ago, one denial, and a High Court’s judgment, published in newspaper “Kathimerini,” at 3/12/1998.
Varsamos Stamatis. The exploitation of Extra Terrestrial Resources & the Acquisition of Property Rights over the Moon & Other Celestial Bodies. Paper presented in the International Conference on New Challenges in Space law. Athens Greece, June 2015.
Vassenbergh J. Post-War International Civil Aviation Policy and the Air. The Hague, 1962
Vereshchetin V. The International Court of Justice as a Potential Forum for the Resolution of Space Law Disputes// Air & Space Law in the 21 Century.- Liber Amicorum Karl-Heintz Böcкstiegel/ Ed. by M.Benkö & W.Kröll. Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, 2001, 467-483
Vereshchetin V., Zhukova E., Kamenetskaya E. Legal Regulation of Space Activities in Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States// Proceedings of the 30-40 Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, American Inst. of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 1993, p.86-90
Vereshchetin V.S. Environmental Risks arising of Space Activities and their Legal Mitigation // In: Diritto dello spazio. Recenti sviluppi e prospettive / CDAM, Padova, 1994, pp. 81-97.
Vereshchetin V.S. For the Benefit and in the Interests of All Mankind // In: Space: The First Step / Ed. by A. Zakharov. Moscow. Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007, pp.118-120.
Vereshchetin V.S. Foreword // The International Space Station (Commercial Utilization from a European Legal Perspective) / Ed. by Frans von der Dunk and Marcel Brus. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2006, pp. vii-viii.
Vereshchetin V.S. International Control and the Concept of “Open Skies”// From Coexistence to Cooperation: International Law and Organization in the Post-Cold War Era/ Ed. by E.McWhinney, D.Ross, G.Tunkin and V.Vereshchetin. Kluwer Academic, 1991, p.31-43
Vereshchetin V.S. Legal Framework of Soviet Space Station “Mir”// In: International Space Law Miscellanea: Liber Amicorum Honouring Prof. dr. Andrzej G_rbiel / Ed. by Edward J. Palyga, Warsaw, 1995, pp.184-188.
Vereshchetin V.S. Next Steps in International Space Law // In: Perspectives on International Law / Ed. by N. Jasentuliyana. Kluwer Law International, 1995, pp. 463-480.
Vereshchetin V.S. Open Skies – The Metamorphosis of One Concept // In: Control over Compliance with International Law / Ed. by W.E. Butler. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991, pp.41-50.
Vereshchetin V.S. Outer Space. // Ibid. Volume VII, pp.1103-1108. (The last three items can be also found in the online version of Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law.)
Vereshchetin V.S. The Evolution of the Legal Framework of Cooperation between ESA and Russia // In: The Implementation of the ESA Convention. Lessons from the Past /Ed. by G. Lafferranderie. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1994, pp.197-204.
Vereshchetin V.S. The Law of Outer Space in the General Legal Field (Commonality and Particularities). Inaugural Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Lecture // Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law. 2009./ Ed. by Corinne M. Jorgenson, 2010, pp.3-14.
Vereshchetin V.S. Trends in National Regulation of Space Activities: The Soviet Union // In: Space Law: Development and Scope / Ed. by N. Jasentuliyana. Praeger, 1992, pp. 59-70.
Vereshchetin V.S. Utilisation de l’avion spatial et droit de l’espace //In: Revue fran_aise de droit a_rien et spatial. 1991, n.4, pp.515-527.
Vereshchetin V.S., Danilenko G.M. Custom as a Source of International Law of Outer Space // Space Law / Ed by Francis Lyall and Paul Larsen. 2007, Ashgate, pp. (Reprinted from Journal of Space Law, 1985, v.13, n.1, pp.22-35).
Vereshchetin V.S., Danilenko G.M. Custom as a Source of International Law of Outer Space // Space Law / Ed by Francis Lyall and Paul Larsen. 2007, Ashgate, pp. (Reprinted from Journal of Space Law, 1985, v.13, n.1, pp.22-35).
Vereshchetin V.S., Silvestrov G.V. Space Commercialization in the Soviet Union: Facts, Policy and Legal Issues // In: Legal Aspects of Space Commercialization /CSP Japan. 1992, pp.32-40.
Vereshhchetin V.S. «Open skies». The Metamorphosis of a Concept. - In: Air and Space Law: De Lege Ferenda. Netherlands: Kluwert Academic Publishers. 1992. P.283-292
Viegas Maria José. Airports Law – The Portuguese Ground Handling Legal Regime, (Written in Portuguese) published by Dislivro, 2002.
Viegas Maria José. Article “All for one…?”, in Ground Handling International Magazine, 2016.
Viegas Maria José. Article “An ill-defined activity?”, in Ground Handling International Magazine, 2014.
Viegas Maria José. Article “Clarifying the Question of Aid”, in Ground Handling International Magazine, 2014.
Viegas Maria José. Article “Data entry”, in Ground Handling International Magazine, 2017.
Viegas Maria José. Article “Dominant decisions”, in Ground Handling International Magazine, 2018.
Viegas Maria José. Article “Expense Account?”, in Ground Handling International Magazine, 2007.
Viegas Maria José. Article “Foul Play”, in Ground Handling International Magazine, 2014.
Viegas Maria José. Article “Ground Handling Services at Portuguese Airports”, (Written in Portuguese), in Boletim da Ordem dos Advogados, (Lawyer’s Bar Association Magazine) 2003.
Viegas Maria José. Article “Much Ado About Nothing”, in Ground Handling International Magazine, 2004.
Viegas Maria José. Article “Passengers with Reduced Mobility in the European Union – Legal Issues – Regulation (EC) no. 1107/2006 of 5 July 2006", published by Air & Space Law, 2013.
Viegas Maria José. Article “The Downwards Spiral”, in Ground Handling International Magazine, 2007.
Viegas Maria José. Article “The Public Domain of Airports, (Written in Portuguese), in Boletim da Ordem dos Advogados (Lawyer’s Bar Association Magazine), 2003.
Viegas Maria José. Article “Wanted: regulation”, in Ground Handling International Magazine, 2015.
Viegas Maria José. The Law of Unmanned Aircraft Systems – An Introduction to the Current and Future Regulation under National, Regional and International Law, Edited by Benjamyn I. Scott, Co-Author, published by Wolters Kluwer, 2016.
Viegas Maria José. “Analysis of the Rights of Persons with Reduced Mobility when Travelling by Air – Regulation no. 1107/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006”, (Written in Portuguese), in Revista O Direito (Law Magazine), published by Almedina, 2010.
Viegas Maria José. “Portuguese Airports Regulated Charges”, (Written in Portuguese) cowriter, in Portuguese Economic Regulated Charges, published by Almedina, 2008.
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