Literature on Air and Space Law - "W"

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Wassenbergh H.A. "Open Skies"/ "Open Markets": The Limits to Competition// The Use of Airspace and Outer Spase for All Mankind in the 21st Century. Kluwer Law International. 1995.
Wassenbergh H.A. "The Right To Fly" and "The Right to Carry Traffic by Air", in International Air Transportation, After 40 Years// Regulatory Reform in International Air Transport/ Edited by Chia-Jui Cheng. Regency Publishing Worldwide. 2000
Wassenbergh H.A. Commercial Aviation Law 1998, Multilateralism versus Bilateralism// Air and Space Law. 1998. №1.
Wassenbergh H.A. Franchising and Codesharing in International Air Transport// Regulatory Reform in International Air Transport/ Edited by Chia-Jui Cheng. Regency Publishing Worldwide. 2000
Wassenbergh H.A. Opening the Skies - the EEC and Third Countries// Regulatory Reform in International Air Transport/ Edited by Chia-Jui Cheng. Regency Publishing Worldwide. 2000
Wassenbergh H.A. Policy Statements on International Air Transport// Air and Space Law. 2000. №6
Wassenbergh H.A. Principles and Practices in Air Transport Regulation. Paris: Institut du Transport Aerien. 1993
Wassenbergh H.A. The Right of States to Participate in Air and Space Transportation Activities. Valedictory lecture delivered on 2 September 1994. Kluwer Law International. 1994.
Wassenbergh H.A. The Sixth Freedom Revisited// Air and Space Law. 1996. №6
Wassenbergh H.A., Iraq/Kuwait and International Civil Aviation Relations, 63 ITA Magazine 8–15 (September-October 1990).
Wassenbergh H.A., Post-War International Civil Aviation Policy and the Law of the Air (1962).
Weber L. 2017. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). 3rd ed. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. 212 p.
Weber L. The Chicago Convention and the exchange of traffic rights in a regional context// Annals of Air and Space Law.1995. Vol. XX-I
Weber L. The European Union and the Chicago Convention of 1944// Air and Space Law. 1994. №3
Weber L., Convention on International Civil Aviation – 60 Years, 53 Zeitschrift fur Luft- und Weltraumrecht 298-311 (2004).
Weber L., International Civil Aviation Organization – An Introduction (2007).
Wegter, Jorn J. “The ECJ Decision of 10 January 2006 on the Validity of Regulation 261/2004: Ignoring the Exclusivity of the Montreal Convention.” Air and Space Law 31, no. 2 (April 2006): 133-148.
Wouters Mia. A new European Regulation 261/2004 on compensation and assistance in the event of denied boarding, cancellation or long delay of flights, extends the rights of air passengers.; European Transport Law, 2004, vol.2, p. 151.
Wouters Mia. Aansprakelijkheid van de werkgever voor de daden van zijn werknemer.; Belgian Business & Industrie, September 1995, p. 23; in cooperation with Greet Vanslambrouck.
Wouters Mia. Advertising Airfares in the EU. Does the Consumer need more Transparency?; in Tijdschrift voor Internationale Handel en Transportrecht/Revue de Droit du Commerce International et des Transports / Journal for International Trade and Transport Law (ITT), Larcier, 2014 with Noura Roussi.
Wouters Mia. Air traffic Management - FABEC: Sovereignty or not?; in Liber Amicorum Roderick van Dam, Journaal Luchrecht 2013 SDU uitgevers.
Wouters Mia. Aircraft Repossession and Enforcements – Practical Aspects, Jurisdiction; Belgian Chapter. Edited by Berend Crans and Ravi Nath, Wolters Kluwer 2009, p. 105-138.
Wouters Mia. Algemene verkoopsvoorwaarden: let op de kleien lettertjes; Belgian Business & Industrie, May 1995, p. 36; in cooperation with Geertje Leysen.
Wouters Mia. Belgische konkurrentiewet treft ook KMO’s.; Belgian Business & Industrie, July/August 1993, p. 28.
Wouters Mia. Book review: The Law of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, edited by Benjamyn Scott,; Wolters Kluwer, 2016, №6, p. 549.
Wouters Mia. De factuur: harde bewijzen., Belgian Business & Industrie, January 1995, p. 43; in cooperation with Geertje Leysen.
Wouters Mia. De Koncessie overeenkomst.; Belgian Business & Industrie; December 1993, p. 69.
Wouters Mia. De Koncessie-overeenkomst: de Europese konkurrentieregels.; Belgian Business & Industrie, February 1994, p. 79.
Wouters Mia. De konsument boven alles.; Belgian Business & Industrie, April 1994, p. 58.
Wouters Mia. Deregulation in the International Aviation Market, Transnational Publishers, New York, 2000, in co-operation with Christian Campbell.
Wouters Mia. DRONES: de juridische toekomst voor onbemande vliegtuigsystemen.; Cahier de Juriste, Larcier Group, 2016/1, p. 12.
Wouters Mia. DRONES: Editorial and the European Regime.; IHT, Larcier June 2016, p. 179.
Wouters Mia. Editorial: Cyber Security IHT, Larcier 2017/ 4.
Wouters Mia. Een nieuw proefbeding: de proef op de som.; Belgian Business & Industrie, September 1994, p. 39.
Wouters Mia. Einde van de koncessie overeenkomst.; Belgian Business & Industrie, January 1994, p. 58.
Wouters Mia. EU Regulation on a CRS Code of Conduct.; in Liber Amicorum Henri (Or) Wassenberg., Journaal LuchtRecht,Special edition, November 2009. p. 35.
Wouters Mia. Franchising: overdracht van sukses.; Belgian Business & Industrie, March 1994, p.51.
Wouters Mia. From 2000 till 2005, EU correspondent for “Air and Space Law”, Kluwer Law International.
Wouters Mia. Het Europese Electronic Data Interchange model.; Belgian Business & Industrie, April 1995, p. 35.
Wouters Mia. Het Schengen Akkoord, de buitengrenzen van de Europese Unie.; Belgian Business & Industrie, May 1994, p. 63.
Wouters Mia. How to sell tickets, IATA’s New Distribution Capability (NDC): A new model?; in Liber Amicorum John Balfour, Wolters Kluwer Law and Business, November 2013.
Wouters Mia. L’ accession de la Roumanie à l’EU. Aspects de concurrence; Bulletin Ştiinţific, Editura Cugetarea, Iaşi, 2000.
Wouters Mia. Maastricht: a step further/ Maastricht: une nouvelle étape.; In cooperation with Paul Asselin advocat à Montreal, Quebec Law Review, 1992.
Wouters Mia. Nieuwe regels voor adverteerders.; Belgian Business & Industrie, July 1995, p. 26; in cooperation with Geertje Leysen.
Wouters Mia. Ook door een nieuwe structuur op te zetten, kan een vennootschap haar aktiviteiten uitbreiden. Een overzicht van de mogelijkheden., Belgian Business & Industrie, July/August 1994, p. 67.
Wouters Mia. Over parasieten en hoe u ze afschudt: Juridische bescherming tegen namaak van producten; Belgian Business & Industrie, June 1995, p. 33; in cooperation with Greet Vanslambrouck.
Wouters Mia. Pledge Act delayed: bad news for Belgian aviation financiers., The Aviation Expert Guide, Euromoney Institutional Investor plc., June 2015.
Wouters Mia. Recovering from the downturn: Aviation.; ACQ, V8 issue 7 ( 2009) p. 41.
Wouters Mia. Regulatory Changes: for the best?; in Who is Who – Aviation Law, Businesss Research ltd, November 2013.
Wouters Mia. Regulatory Constraints in Europe or “How free are you”? in Critical Issues in Air Transport Economics and Business Edited by Rosário Macário, Eddy Van de Voorde; Routledge 2010.
Wouters Mia. Simplification of the European Code of Conduct for Computer Reservation Systems (CRS).; Air and Space law, 2011, №1, p.49.
Wouters Mia. The Electronic Distribution of Airline Tickets: a comparison between what is available on the Internet versus CRS.; Liber Amicorum Robert Wijffels, European Transport Law, Antwerpen, 2001, p. 515.
Wouters Mia. The EU-US Open Aviation Area: The First Stage Air Transport and Services Agreement of March 2007, International Bar News, IBA publications, September 2007, p.19.
Wouters Mia. The Groundhandling Directive for Airports: food for thought, in: “European Seaports Law: EU law of Ports and Port Services and the Ports Package”; Maklu, 2003, p. 285.
Wouters Mia. The Hybrid Relationship between Computer Reservation Systems (CRSs) and Airlines.; The Aviation Quarterly, LLP, London, 1997, p. 346.
Wouters Mia. The New Belgian Pledge Act delayed: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have Bad news for news for aviation financiers, your flight has somewhat been delayed.; Capita Selecta, IHT, Larcier, June 2015, p. 209.
Wouters Mia. Toepasssing van e-commerce in de luchtvaartindustrie. ; verschenen in “Actualia zee-en vervoerrecht”; Maklu, 2003, p. 193.
Wouters Mia. Tussen bedrijf en klant: de handelsvertegenwoordiger.; Belgian Business & Industrie, October 1993, p. 41.
Wouters Mia. Unmanned Aerial Systems: The commercial drones are here, who is going to regulate them?; Juriste International, Union International des Avocats - UIA, 2016.3.
Wouters Mia. Vaste voet in Rusland.; Belgian Business & Industrie, December 1994, p. 49.
Wouters Mia. Werken met zelfstandige agenten.; Belgian Business & Industrie, November 1993, p. 92.
Wouters Mia. “Belgium” chapter in the PWSP World Aircraft Repossession Index, August 2015.
Wouters Mia. “Belgium” chapter in the PWSP World Aircraft Repossession Index, August 2016.
Wouters Mia. “Belgium” in IUAI Liability Handbook March 2007.
Wouters Mia. “Freinte de route” and the carriage of oil products, European Air Transport Law (ETL) 1988, vol. 23, №3, p. 257.
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